Mittwoch, 21. August 2013

Willowcrest- Day 4

I did it again... I bashed the kit!
I love windows and thereby I cut a few new windows into the walls of the Willowcrest!
I cut a door into the left wall to use the baywindow as a balcony:

and three windwos into the staircase wall
and one window for the bathroom.

I'm really happy about the fact that the greenleaf houses are made of "soft" wood because I cut the windwos with a simple cutter!
And I did it after the house was already assembled :-)
I hope you have a nice day!
See you soon,
Hugs Lina

Montag, 19. August 2013

Willowcrest- Day 3

Hey everyone!
I'm sorry that I didn't post for such a long time...
The reason for this is:
1.) I'm finnishing my phD Thesis
2.) My marriage will be this December :-)
I'm so happy and exited!!!!!!
So I'm folding a lot of paper flowers etc. for the wedding.
However, yesterday I decided to continue the building of my willowcrest dollhouse.
Here are a few pictures for you:
The hall on the second floor:
the stair to the third floor:

Have a nice day and see you soon!
Hugs, Lina